Sunday, September 13, 2015

Clean Eating and "That Drink": Why I now have a lifelong relationship with both

People hear terms like "clean eating" & "meal replacement" shakes all the time but what does that mean? I mean I remember when clean eating was not even really talked about, and drinking shakes meant drinking a can of a nasty formula of something that had no dietary benefit to you whatsoever.
Today it has a very different meaning to me.... and here's why.

As mentioned in previous posts, I have ALWAYS (you read that right ALWAYS) struggled with my weight, and I still do. One other thing that I have ALWAYS struggled with is my skin. Once puberty set in, my body and my skin betrayed me in ways I never thought possible. Add in 20 years of hormonal chaos, nursing school, two pregnancies, two kids, a hectic schedule, and well just life and my body  has pretty much been out of whack for like ever. And one place that shows most is my SKIN!

My skin would get so bad that I would avoid going out in public, a kiss from my husband, or would sit and just plain cry sometimes. I did endless hours of research, spent hundreds of dollars on lotions and creams that would work "in just a couple weeks time" and countless visits to dermatologists begging them to just fix me so I could walk around in public and not feel ashamed of how I looked. I won't lie I was not always consistent in my efforts because like many other things in life including my eating, if I did not see results right away I just quit and moved on to the next latest and greatest gimmick.

As a nurse I know the vital role that nutrition plays in our overall well being and in our overall health.  I remember watching a documentary called "Fat, Sick and Nearly Dead" at the encouragement of a coworker of mine. I watched it and was just astonished at the transformation this man went through both physically and mentally. And if you haven't seen it, I highly recommend it. It gives a unique perspective into the life of a juicer. Now I can't say that I would ever try a juice fast because I do enjoy eating but if that's something that appeals to you then by all means you go on with your bad self and have at it! I just can't. But to see how this man's body changed just from truly nourishing his body was nothing short of amazing. I see the same thing with my patients.  I see the smoker, the drinker, the "I don't care what happens to me" person", the "I just had a heart attack at 40 but I'd like to order a side of bacon with my bacon" person, the "Well my uncle died at 90 and smoked like a mad man and drank himself into an oblvion each night" (I tell them that usually luck was on that person's side), the "I'll do it next week" person (I am admittedly a recovering "I'll do it next week person"), the "fitness is not for me" person (to which I promptly reply "Can you walk? Well yes I can. Then you can move for 20 minutes 3 times per week), and so on and so on.... you get the idea right? Point being is that we CANNOT control our own fate, or genetics or the drunk driver that rams into us, but we can do everything possible to take care of our own body, treat it like the temple it is, and set ourselves up for as much success as possible.

So I made a choice one day. I was sick and tired of feeling sick and tired to put it simply. I could not stand looking at myself in the mirror,  I hated how I felt, and my skin was just repulsive. I remembered hearing a friend talk about how awesome this shake was...and then I tried it. I was taken back by the cost initially but also felt as though I had nothing else to lose at that point.

The first month I drank my shakeology (chocolate of course) I was not sure if I was supposed to be feeling the way I was. I was literally running to the bathroom more than once a day, and then I began researching reviews on the product thinking I had to be having a horrible reaction to it. I read that many other people had having the same "GI distress" symptoms but I decided to stick with it. After that first bag, I began to notice some big changes.

1. My skin

Things really started to change. The texture of my skin, the oiliness, and the giant cystic type breakouts seemed to be a lot less. YES!!!!! Could it be??? I noticed even more changes in my skin once my diet changed as well. Clean eating made a huge difference as well. I really began to believe that whole concept of "you are what you eat". And now I firmly believe that what goes in better is reflected on how my body looks on the outside, including my skin. My new way of eating also does not include much dairy either, and this is a girl who LOVES her cheeses! But I notice a difference in how my skin looks afterwards. So now I still have a skin care regimen that includes my hypoallergenic skin cleansers and lotions (because my skin is uber sensitive) but I RARELY have to put zit cream on my face now! I MEAN SERIOUSLY HOW FREAKING AWESOME IS THAT? This coming from a girl who has spent a small fortune on skin care products, I rarely reach for my expensive lotions and potions now! Seriously I am sold! My confidence is improved and I finally walk out of my house and just be, and not worry that people are focused on the latest and greatest  monster zit that has attacked me the day prior.

2. My gut

So before drinking Shakeology and clean eating, I looked like I was walking around 5 months preggo. And considering that I am definitely NOT preggo, I certainly do not want to look it!  Now aside from the initial "cleanse phase" during my first month of drinking Shakeology,  it now leaves me feeling less bloated, keeps me regular, and I don't have my normal stomach discomfort during the day. My body is flooded daily with probiotics and dense superfood nutrition and it likes it. I did not drink it for a couple days and noticed a huge difference in how my stomach felt. Even on a cheat day, after one meal my gut is NOT happy now. I remember during my second round of the 21 Day Fix, I had a glutinous day where I indulged in my favorites. I woke up in the middle of the night sick to my stomach and became best friends with my toilet. EPIC FAIL! And as I sit here writing this, I am paying for my misdeeds over the weekend. My stomach hurts and I once again look a little preggo.  But a solid day of clean eating, my dear friend chocolate shakeo, a workout, water, and I'll be good to go. And once again lesson learned.

3. My Overall Feeling of Awesomeness

Yes I that's right I said "feeling of awesomeness." To reiterate, 'You are what you eat' well that is some TRUTH! When I eat like crap I feel like crap, when I eat awesome I feel awesome. Even one "cheat meal" makes me feel bloated, gives me massive GI upset & heartburn, and makes me fell so sluggish I could fall over. There is a lot more pep in my step, and voom in my va va voom. I feel as though I can conquer the world, my brain synapses fire at faster speeds which means I am more creative, more focused, and driven to work towards my goals. I am also a better mother and wife when I feel awesome. So pretty much, I choose to eat well for my life and my family's life.

So ok before you go lookin at the price of clean eating and Shakeo, know that an investment in your health is worth it. Clean eating can be accomplished on a budget and add in your Shakeo and you are set!!! I tell people that its like drinking a mega multivitamin that provides EVERYTHING you need and just so happens to taste like dessert as well! It's a win-win situation!

So what is Shakeology?

It's simple.

It's life changing.
