Wednesday, November 11, 2015

Shakeology Cleanse- Yes or No? Here's the verdict!

So I had fallen off the wagon like...for real. It was bad. It was ugly. And I had to finally admit this when I realized I couldn't  button up a pair of pants. Now I am going to be super honest... I am no where near close to my goals but this cleanse was seriously for real and very difficult. I was not perfect but it was just what I needed to get myself back on track again.

I am not a super big fan of showing pictures of myself but this was necessary for me to get for real about what I needed to do. I cannot even believe I lost that many inches but also realized that my serious lack of consistency in my eating was causing obvious issues for me. 

If you are interested in learning more about this cleanse I am sure I will be doing it again as I actually like it better than the 3 Day refresh. No fiber sweep in this one but it is not for the faint of heart. It ain't easy but its very much worth it. 

It is not a lot of food so light workouts are a must but like I said... Serious results! This will from now my my go to jumpstart to get things going again. 

If you are interested in possibly trying a shakeology cleanse contact me to find out how today!

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