Wednesday, November 11, 2015

Healthy Chicken Noodle Soup

Aside from the noodles this is a fairly healthy version of an all time favorite comfort food. Now I did make this on a cold day in the crockpot, and on a day when I also made some homemade bread so this was a sort of cheat/comfort meal but a lot healthier for me than other options or ordering pizza for instance. 

1lb fresh chicken breast
salt/peper to taste
1 small bag frozen carrots
3 stalks of celery chopped
1 small sweet onion chopped
64 oz chicken broth
3 bay leaves
Noodles ( I will leave it up to you what kind of noodles you like)
2-3 cloves minced garlic
2 Tablespoos olive oil

Cooking Directions:
-Precook chicken breasts slightly, does not have to be cooked all the way through but season with salt and pepper and add about a 1/2 cup of water and a dash of olive oil to chicken to flavor it well. Set aside 
- In your crockpot, dump your entire skillet of chicken and contents into the crockpot first, place in the celery, carrots, onion, and bay leaves. 
-Dump garlic in 
-Pour chicken broth in and season with light salt and peper. Turn on high and let cook for about 3 hours
-  Pull chicken out (be careful not to burn yourself) and pull it apart or dice it up, and dump back in. 
-In a pot of boiling water, slightly cook your noodles. Do not cook them all the way maybe about 3/4 of the way and then pour them in the crock pot also. 
-Cook for an additional 1-1.5 hours and add additional salt & pepper to taste
-Remove bay leaves and serve warm, maybe even with some fresh bread if its a cheat meal day for you!

Enjoy a healthier spin on a cheat meal!! 

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