Thursday, October 1, 2015

Recipe: Egg Cups for a Quick & Easy Meal

Egg Cups
So one thing about me:
I love how versatile they are, I love the nutritional value they provide, and they are inexpensive.
Now bear in mind I live in a high cost of living area so if I list any prices for anything mine are most likely much higher than yours.
I used 11 eggs (what I had left in my fridge)
Frozen bag of kale that I thawed and mixed in.
Diced up green and red pepper, red onion, and some tomatoes.
 All ingredients I had on hand!
Threw it in the bowl, and seasoned with some garlic salt and pepper.
Preheat your oven to 375 and cook for about 35-40 min in a muffin pan. You canine your pan with wrappers as I did here or coat the pan itself with oil. I use olive oil otherwise.
Super easy, inexpensive and now I have a quick on the go meal packed full of protein and veggies.
I was able to get 15 egg cups in about 10 minutes worth of work.

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