Thursday, October 1, 2015

Update on my coaching Journey & What it Means to Me

This is exciting for me to announce! In a short time, I reached my first goal of becoming an Emerald Coach! And let me tell you why this is so important to me...

I struggle with depression and anxiety. ...

And more recently it's gotten worse to the point I'm having panic attacks. My body reacts so violently I'm hovered over a toilet barfing, shaking uncontrollably and chest pains. I am a nurse and I knew what was happening but I couldn't control it.

A few months ago, life took some unexpected turns and I quickly found myself spiraling out of control. I wasn't performing well at work, constantly angry and resentful all the time, my kids had an exhausted mom that couldn't focus, and my physical health was also paying the price. I wasn't eating well... I would binge by myself to feel better but then only felt worse after and day after day I was losing more control over my life.

I had ZERO goals
I had ZERO dreams anymore
I felt as if I had ZERO purpose
I felt as if I was living my life for everyone else around me
I am buried under massive student loan debt
I have ZERO ambition as a nurse to go back to school again so I was stuck professionally
I had ZERO fulfillment in what I was doing everyday
My kids had a very distracted mom
My husband merely had a roommate
I couldn't even look at the mirror anymore because I hated the reflection

So I made a change....

I became part of a family.

A family that forced to me to dig deep and rediscover a passion for life that I forgot even existed. I became a part of a family that helped me to realize that I hadn't completely lost control of life but merely stepped off my path. This family has helped me to realize that I am truly capable of dreaming big and achieving big. This family gave me the courage to face some of my biggest fears and overcome some big hurdles. This family gave me.... Hope. Hope that I can take back control of my life and no longer believe I have to settle.

What is this family? It's my Beachbody family.

An amazing group of women and men dedicated to not just helping people shed the extra pounds but truly discovering themselves and helping people realize just how strong they can be.
And even though it's only been a few months being a part of this family, I have changed. A lot.
I laugh more often. I smile more. I am more confident. I am happier with my family. I am proud of myself. I have goals. I am dreaming again. My husband has his wife back, and my children have a more engaged mom. I feel fulfilled and excited about the future again. I feel like I am serving a greater purpose in life now.

And it is amazing.

I truly feel it has saved my life.

I am getting healthier. On the inside and the outside. And NO pill, special diet, magic potion or voodoo has done it.

I did it. With my own hard work and the support of this amazing team.

And this my friends is why I am proud to say, I AM a Beachbody coach!!

Because I am getting control over my life again.

One day at a time.

And this is only the beginning.

This coach is dreaming big and aiming high.


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