It is not easy for a mom to say, " I need time alone."
It is not easy for me to admit that AT ALL.
Setting aside time while we are all running around super busy and multitasking away, we often times get caught up and forget to set aside some time to reconnect with the one person we know we can truly count on...our self.
There is no one else that is going to get you through this life, make a difference, or work to make sure you are taken care of. It is all up to the individual. When we spend too much time focusing on everything else and forget to make ourselves a priority other areas in our life can suffer as well. Our families, jobs, friends, hobbies, our mental and physical well being...all pay the price for our lack of self care over a long period of time.
How do we fix it?
Well it certainly isn't easy but it is certainly necessary. I have found that personally, I function much better for my kids, my husband and my job when I actually set aside some time every day to focus on myself. I am currently doing this in the form of dedicating at least 30 minutes per day to workouts and often times meal prep for myself as well. I am reaping the benefits of my hard work and seeing results that are pushing me further but also helping me to be more focused and more motivated than ever.
My family is also seeing the effects as well. My kids see a mom who is happier and more energetic, my husband sees a wife who has found something that makes her happy and sees more smiles on my face, and my job sees someone who is more motivated and working harder every day.
It is time for you to make yourself a priority. It does a body and a mind good.
Do yourself a favor and set a goal to dedicate some time to yourself each day. Write down how it felt to take that time, and focus on YOU. Try to do this for 21 days and maybe you have established a new routine for yourself that will have a compound effect over time.
Besides, don't you deserve to take care of yourself?
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