Saturday, August 15, 2015

Recipe: Quinoa Salad

Quinoa Salad Recipe
Clean eating can be tricky but here is a simple, easy to prepare and cost effective recipe that is sure to please your taste buds.


1 cup dry quinoa cooked ( 1 cup goes a long way when prepared so you will have some left over, follow directions on package to prepare)
Fresh veggies (Pictured above I used cherry tomatoes, red bell pepper, and avacado, but really any sliced veggies will do)
Light Agave Nectar
Lime Juice
Tobassco Brand Green Pepper Sauce
A pinch of salt


1. Prepare dry quinoa according to package instructions. (you can choose to either chill the quinoa or use warm)
2. Cut up your choice of fresh veggies to use
3. Combine cooked quinoa and veggies into a bowl
4. Sprinkle a little salt, agave, lime juice and a bit of the green pepper sauce...stir and enjoy! Season to your preferences of course but the combination of sweet and hot is to die for and the lime juice adds the perfect extra touch for this super healthy meal.

Clean eating does not have to be boring or expensive! This is inexpensive option for a quick go to meal that packs a lot of flavor!
Have a good recipe? Share here with me so I can try it!


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