Saturday, August 29, 2015

Real Life- My First Few Weeks as a Beachbody Coach

"Is this like one of those pyramid schemes", my husband asks me the first night I am finally brave enough to tell him what I have been up to.

"No I assure you it's not. But it could be a way for me to help our family more. Maybe it could be. I have no idea how this is going to go, but I am going to give it a try." My voice was nearly shaking trying to tell him I was venturing out into something different. He knew my new found love of the beachbody family was strong, but I don't think he expected me to do anything with it. And honestly I haven't really done much aside from A LOT of learning, A LOT of asking my coach questions, and A LOT of personal dvelopment. "Ya know," I tell him, "You could at least like my new facebook page and show your support for me."

"I don't really like sharing stuff like that because it gets annoying to people."

Fair enough.

So at that particular moment, my head was spinning and I was thinking, "OH SWEET LORD! He's right! I am bugging the crap out of people with my facebook/instagramming/twitter posts! Crap! Crap!" And let my embarrassment/fear/skepticism/doubt kick into overdrive.  I kept thinking about how nervous I was to begin with and this conversation certainly did not help.

Now what?

Should I just give up? Just let it go? My inner dialogue was intense, and so conflicting. Should I, shouldn't I? What if I just make people angry or annoyed with me? Well so what if I do, I'm trying to help people and there ain't nothing wrong with that. I am promoting a healthy lifestyle, and lord knows my chosen profession as shown there ain't nothing wrong with a healthy lifestyle! So why am I having such a difficult time with this?

Well, I decided that I was not going to let that moment keep me from at least trying. So I pushed past my doubt and fear and kept on posting and connecting with people in my life.  And that part continues to feel amazing.

And then I noticed that even though I had not really accomplished anything as a beachbody coach, something was happening.  People were starting to already make small little changes, and get excited about getting healthier. And they wanted my advice, and my help! And I knew that my desire to be a coach to begin with was more than potentially helping my family financially but I am actually making a difference in people's lives, already. Just by communicating with them and letting them know that someone really does care about their wellbeing.


I could not help but walk around all day smiling. Grinning ear to ear, I walked around knowing that I am putting a serious passion for helping people into good use and in a different way than I am used to. Often times, as a critical care nurse, I am meeting people for the first time when I have to help sedate them for a breathing tube, prepare them for end of life, or explain to a family that their loved one may never wake up again. And while I take great pride in my job as a nurse, I have always taken pride in being able to help people in their day to day lives as well. I want to make a difference, and I think this world is a better place when people are overall happier and working towards improving themselves.

And as I stated I LOVE BEING A NURSE, but I have always wanted an opportunity to help in a bigger and better way! So no matter where this new adventure takes me I will always and forever be a nurse at heart, and my compassion and desire to do good in this world is strong, so now its time to do bigger things in order to accomplish bigger goals.


I will be honest, I have not made one cent from my short time as a Beachbody coach and thats ok. And that's the truth! Seriously, nada!  I am new to learning how to run a business, and as with anything I suspect time is my greatest ally. I can, however, lay my head on my pillow tonight knowing I am one step closer to achieving my dream of making this world a better place, one person at a time.

So for now, I will put my fears aside and continue to set goals to help as many people as I can. I am scared, and certainly have my doubts but I am pushing beyond those fears and doubts, DREAMING BIG and being proud of my decision to join the Beachbody Family!

If you want to join my team and DREAM BIG with me contact me for more information to get started!


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