Saturday, August 15, 2015

What got me going?

Yep so you know how everyone has that "aha" moment? Well I had mine this past summer. Realizing that I was and am capable of so much more and that if I don't do something about it now I am just wasting precious time was a BIG DEAL.  What changed you ask? Let me tell you...

My daughter was about to turn one, and I was still stuck battling the baby weight and feeling miserable and sorry for myself.  So one day at work, I made the executive decision to go online and purchase an at home workout program, Focus T25.  I decided that even I could commit 25 minutes a day to exercise, and I decided that I would take the first step in buckling down on my nutrition and I ordered my first bag of Shakeology.  It was expensive, and I thought my husband would flip his lid if he knew how much I was about to spend on this, so I did not say anything. I just ordered it, and considered it an investment in myself (which was something I was really slacking on at the time). I got the progam in the mail and my chocolate shakeology and dove in head first.  I was waking up early before work (4am) and getting my 25 minutes of intense exercise in and started drinking my shakes. Now I'm not going to lie, I was not enjoying the effects of the shakes at first but in time I really started noticing differences. The weirdest was that my skin was changing and not breaking out as much, and I just felt better. So I kept going with the shakes and before long the GI side effects from the shakes stopped (THANK GOODNESS).

 I continued with my workouts but still wasn't seeing results. So I contacted someone I found through beachbody, my free coach and asked her for help. Deidra Penrose. This woman had a similar background and a rockin body that she worked damn hard for and realized that if she could do it, so can I.  So I very nervously contacted her, and she asked me to join her upcoming challenge group for the 21 Day Fix. And so I did...

I ordered the program (and in the process paid the coach fee thinking maybe I could learn to work the business at some point), and soon enough the beautiful box arrived on my doorstep just in time to start the challenge group. And let me tell you this is where things changed... I was held accountable for my food intake, water consumption, exercise and shakes. I had someone cheering me on. I had a group of like minded individuals working towards similar goals and leading similar lives working through their own issues in life. I had a goal to work towards. It was amazing!

I realized very quickly that something magical was happening.

I was finally finding a place where I belonged.

Not to mention this whole time, I was trying to rapidly prepare for my first Spartan Race with my friend (who was also and contines to be a great sourse of inspiration and motivation). So my motivation was high, and remains high.

I FINALLY finished something I had started. I finished the challenge group and decided that I had seen such a change in myself both physically and mentally that I wanted to keep going.

Seriously when they say that it takes 21 days to change habits there is some truth to it but it also helps when you have an amazing group of women to draw strength from. My confidence is soaring (well at least compared to what I was at previously), my determination is strong, and my body feels like it is on its way to being what I once only dreamed it could be.

I have a long way to go, but I have my very first challenge group to thank for getting my mind in the right place.  My husband is seeing a happier and more fulfilled wife, and my kids are seeing a mom who works hard to set a good example for them on a daily basis. And to think, all this happened in such a short time, I am beyond excited to see what happens in the future.

Thank you Deidra. Even though what you did may seem small, you have done your job of changing another life.

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