Monday, January 4, 2016

My Hammer & Chisel Journey- Week 1 and some brutal honesty


Let me just be real about one thing, I fell off the wagon. HARD. I wasn't diligently following my meal plan that I know works, and I was getting sick EVERY TWO WEEKS. I am not making excuses for my lack results but as you can see I messed up. And now I am paying the price. I have always been the woman who really has to watch what she eats. I look at food, and I gain weight. So that being said, a few extra pounds have come back sadly but that just means I am more determined than ever to make them disappear for good. So I am putting myself out there, nasty pictures and all and plan to do a weekly update on my Hammer and Chisel journey. I have a goal to complete the Spartan Trifecta this year so I gotta get my butt in gear.

I am pretty disappointed in myself but I am using that as nothing but pure motivation to FINALLY reach my goals. No turning back!
Week 1, Front

Week 1, Side

Week 1, Back
Could be worse right? Well let me tell you it is not easy to put yourself out there like this and allow yourself to be judged but I hope that my story with this particular program and the goals that I have for this year, will encourage others to take that giant leap of faith as well. I am hoping that you too can draw inspiration from my journey as well. It isn't easy, but I know that it will be worth it.

Week 2 Meal Plan

So admittedly one of my weakest areas in nutrition, and knowing that nutrition is 80% of the battle I know I need to buckle down. So I al allowing my OCD tendencies to kick in and get myself extra planned and prepared. I know that failing to plan, is planning to fail. I DO NOT INTEND ON FAILING.

Now week 1, pictures are posted because I lost my week zero pictures, not on purpose I promise but it happened so here is where I am starting. This is a long program so there will be plenty of pictures to post.  Week 1 resulted in a net loss of zero everything but again my nutrition wasn't perfect. So again, I am posting this to keep myself accountable during a very important time for me personally. Feel free to comment, discuss or share. I am being brave and putting myself out there, but please no judging. I am not perfect. I am a mom and a wife just trying to finally get in the best shape of her life. It has been a dream for me for my entire life to have this happen, and there is no better time than now.

Will check back in next week when hopefully there are more results to post!! Until next time....



  1. You can do it Meghan!! You are a strong woman and you ARE beautiful! Your stretch marks are your battle wounds for carrying your 2 amazing children and right now your "pudgy" areas are what I called "mommy fat" (like baby fat). It took me 4 years to lose it with Ali only to gain it back. Then two years ago I started losing weight and now I'm 120lbs. After all these years I know food can be my friend. I have to make choices and hold my ground when I want to give in. I still eat my junk food but in moderation. If not that is when I binge eat EVERYTHING! Good luck on your journey and let me know if I can help you ANYTIME! I'm looking forward in following your journey.

  2. You can do it Meghan!! You are a strong woman and you ARE beautiful! Your stretch marks are your battle wounds for carrying your 2 amazing children and right now your "pudgy" areas are what I called "mommy fat" (like baby fat). It took me 4 years to lose it with Ali only to gain it back. Then two years ago I started losing weight and now I'm 120lbs. After all these years I know food can be my friend. I have to make choices and hold my ground when I want to give in. I still eat my junk food but in moderation. If not that is when I binge eat EVERYTHING! Good luck on your journey and let me know if I can help you ANYTIME! I'm looking forward in following your journey.

  3. Hey Meghan, I am passing this along to my wife. She is looking for some sort of motivation to get back into the gym after 3 kiddos. It's been a struggle for her, so maybe reading along and seeing the progress you are making could give her the drive she needs to succeed. Good luck with your journey, and keep working!
