Tuesday, January 26, 2016

Recipe: Not So Clean Adult Hot Chocolate!

So the blizzard/snowzilla of 2016 has definitely left its mark. We spent 48 hours snowed in (although it could have been much worse), and I found myself getting a little antsy. Something about being snowed in with no end in sight to the downfall of snow had me in the kitchen all weekend experimenting with new things. One of these new things was homemade hot chocolate with a little extra adult kick to it. Now anyone who knows me well, knows that mixed drinks aren't really my thing and that I LOVE my wine. But this particular occasion called for some homemade hot chocolate, grown up style! Thank goodness I had all the ingredients on hand, and thank goodness when I took a drink I was adult heaven on that snow day! So much so that I texted my friend and told her she had to try this!!! Bear in mind, yes I know this is not clean. Yes I am aware that as a health and fitness coach & a nurse that I should promote healthy recipes however being snowed in with your kids for going on the 4th day called for a special hot chocolate while the two feet of snow continued to pile up!

3-4 cups of Milk (you can use any kind, all I had was whole milk on hand, again I am aware this is a not a clean drink but it was too good not to share with you all. You can use almond milk, skim or whatever tickles your fancy)
3 Tablespoons unsweetened cocoa (I had Hershey's on hand)
1/3 cup sugar
1 tsp vanilla extract
Vodka (we had Absolut)
Crème de Menthe
(All liquors should be split into 3 equal parts in one shot glass, use less Crème de Menthe if you don't want to mint flavor to be too strong)

To garnish:
Chocolate syrup

For Hot Chocolate:

In a small pot, mix 3-4 cups of dairy product of your choosing and heat. Do not boil. Whisk in sugar, cocoa, and vanilla. Let this mixture simmer while occasionally stirring.

Remove from heat and take one shot glass and mix equal parts of each liquor, I would use a little less Crème de Menthe if you don't like mint chocolate as much as I do. Pull out your favorite wintery mug, pour hot chocolate in mug and stir in your liquor. Garnish with marshmallows and drizzle chocolate syrup and serve! I hope you enjoy this as much as I did. It was strong but an awesome combo of flavors for that wintery weekend we had!

I promise the next recipe will be clean!



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