Thursday, January 7, 2016

Spicy Balsamic Pasta tossed with Turkey Meatballs and Veggies

Can we just say holy yum?????

I have been experimenting more and more with balsamic vinegar because I really do enjoy the flavor it adds to foods. So this time with my premade food, I was wondering how in the world could I change this up a little without having to basically recook my meal.... and then it hit me!!! Lets try balsamic vinegar with a sprinkle of crushed red pepper, and a dab of olive oil to give my meal some extra zest .

And let me tell was a success.

Now for this you can use any old veggie that you desire...I just happened to have a meal prepped already that included Brussel sprouts so that is what I ended up with. And if you aren't a Brussel sprout kind of person, please know you can switch it up. I just really enjoyed the very robust flavor this little combo provided, and though I would share. 

whole wheat pasta, cooked and drained
lean turkey meatballs (mine are store bought from good ole Target but feel free to make your own if want)
Steamed veggies of your choice
If following 21 Day fix meal plan you would need: one yellow for pasta, one green for veggies, and one red for meatballs (This is the easiest way to portion it out)

You will also need: 
Crushed red pepper flakes
Balsamic Vinegar
Extra Virgin Olive oil 
A little sprinkle of garlic doesn't hurt either 

Pre cook your pasta, meatballs, and veggies and then place them in a bowl large enough to mix everything together. For one single portion for one person, use 1 tablespoon balsamic vinegar, 1/2 tsp extra virgin olive oil, and add crushed red pepper flakes based your preferred level of spicy. Sprinkle in a pinch of garlic either minced or garlic powder and mix together. This is one those meals you can season to your personal preference. I loved loved loved this combo of flavors, and I am sure that you will too!

Have some interesting recipe ideas? Feel free to share! I love trying new things and adding more flavor to my life. 

Total containers used for this: 1 yellow, 1 red, 1 green 100% Fix approved 

Until next time 


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