So what happens when you need to make something new because your taste buds are just bored? You get a little creative! I had always seen people making chicken different ways and since oats and chicken are both budget friendly and super versatile...spicy oat crusted chicken is what we came up with! As an added side, I wanted some sweet potatoes but did not want the same old thing so I decided to make sweet potato steak fries.
Spicy Oat Crusted Chicken
1lb chicken breast, cleaned, cut and portioned
2 cups instant oats
1 1/2 tsp cayenne pepper
1 1/2 tsp chili powder
1 tsp garlic powder
1 1/2 tsp salt
3 eggs
Pre heat oven to 375
In a separate bowl, mix all dry ingredients and spices and set aside. In another bowl, place eggs in and beat eggs. Now take your chicken breast, coat with egg, and then place in your oat mixture and place on your pan that has already been coated with olive oil. Repeat this step with all the chicken breasts, spray with olive oil and place in the oven. Cook for approximately 30 minutes.
Sweet Potato Steak Fries
2 large sweet potatoes
Seasoning salt
Olive oil
You can pre cook sweet potatoes in the microwave if you choose to (it makes them easier to slice) for a few minutes. But once done, slice sweet potatoes in long strips, spray with olive oil and sprinkle seasoning salt and pepper over. Place in oven at 400 degrees and cook for approximately 30-40 minutes depending on thickness of sliced potatoes and desired level of crispiness!
Both served together make for a super tasty meal, and one that is loaded with super health ingredients to fuel your body the right way.
Monday, December 14, 2015
Wednesday, November 18, 2015
A Mom's Guide to "Surviving the Holidays"
If you are like me, you may or may not start having a slight nervous breakdown mid September when you realize....
The holidays are approaching.
I mean everything about this time of year means that it's just a ton of work, parties, commitments, tons of moments where you feel like an inadequate mom, and like you could down a bottle of wine in one sitting. But its also a somewhat magical time for me as well. I have always enjoyed the holidays, and I love establishing traditions and making memories with my family. One thing I always remember fondly of my childhood were the holidays. My mom went to unbelievable lengths to make them special and memorable. Some of my favorite memories growing up stem from those days. And of course I want to do the same for my children. But with so much to do (also my son's birthday is New Year's Eve so it becomes especially chaotic this time of year not to mention expensive) I often times find myself run down and exhausted.
So I have been working on making life easier and operating on the whole "work smart not harder" concept. And this is what I now do to survive the holidays
1. I FINALLY got organized
Invest the time and supplies into getting organized. It will save you time, sanity, and money in the long run. Last year, I finally took some time to get all of my holiday decor, supplies etc organized. I made sure that each season was placed in a tub, labeled, and placed on shelving units we purchased and put together. And starting with my fall decor, I simply went downstairs, pulled out the tub I needed and decorated my home. Same for Christmas. I had to decorate early this year because we will be out of town when I normally do it , but I literally walked downstairs, grabbed the boxes I needed and put my decorations out. It made life so much easier. And I also recommend utilizing storage for ornaments, Christmas trees etc because I know exactly where it is and just have to grab it out of its container and I am done. t is important to remember that organization does much more than saving your sanity when it comes to getting it together for the holidays. It is also a money saver. I cannot tell you how many times I found duplicates of things that I thought I did not have or simply couldn't find all because it as a total chaotic mess in my house. Now granted its not great still to this day but as far as getting ready for the holidays its much better.
2. Online shopping is my best friend this time of year.
The internet is my best friend. Seriously I mean that. Because without it, I would be lost. I utilize online shopping for nearly everything especially my holiday shopping. My husband and I decided a while back we would invest in Amazon Prime service (and seriously if you don't have it I highly recommend using it). Free quick shipping of everything you could imagine right to your door. Last year, during the height of my daughter not sleeping, I made a list and completed all of my Christmas shopping in a couple of hours online. I did not have to worry about hauling both kids to the store, forgetting half of what I wanted, nor did I have to worry that my kids would have a meltdown while trying to complete said shopping. I also have really begun to rely on Amazon wish lists as well. My husband and I can add things to our lists of things we would like to have as gifts and all I have to do is click and buy! This makes shopping for my husband (who admittedly is not easy to buy for) much easier, and I know it is something that he wants and will enjoy! So no guessing, no wasting money and crossing my fingers that he may like it. I plan to do the same this year because I cannot tell a lie, I DO NOT LIKE going to the stores this time of year. Added bonus of avoiding the pesky holiday crowds at stores! I also utilize other online shopping. I am a huge fan of Etsy which provides an opportunity to shop small business owners, which I am all for. Other great options include groupon and living social if you are looking to gift other things other than just goods but maybe a date night for new parents without breaking the bank.
3. Buy yourself a new outfit, and/or go get your hair done.
I am serious. Really. If you are a parent you probably bought your kids lots of cute holiday clothes but once again failed to take into consideration that you yourself deserve a nice top or sweater or necklace to feel nice for the holidays. I broke this year and did it finally. And now I have a couple things I can wear to be in pictures with my family and not wear my jammies again this year. It is nice to have grown up things, and dress like a woman. Your significant other will appreciate it as well. Also if it is in your budget or you have a hairdresser friend...GIRL GET YOUR HAIR DONE! I waited a year! A solid year before getting my hair done after my daughter was born, and you know what I proved? I proved I could go a whole year hating the way I looked. It accomplished nothing. Finally went to get my hair done, and it feels really nice to have a fresh look for the holiday season.
4. Order food for your get togethers. Trust me.
So I have several events I end up hosting during the holiday season, and if there is one thing I have learned it is that life is a whole lot easier when I just order food and display it on my pretty serving dishes that trying to just make it all and seem like a Betty Crocker Rockstar. Many local grocery stores offer catering menus that you can choose from, and honestly its worth the money. I will cook Thanksgiving Dinner and Christmas Day dinner but aside from that, I am hitting up my local grocer and placing an order.
5. Go have a date with your friends and spouse.
We spend so much time preparing, planning, and thinking about what we are going to do for others sometimes the relationships that are most important to us can be neglected. Go out of your way to plan a nice date with your spouse or your friends to just let loose and enjoy some time away from the hustle and bustle that is this time of year.
6. Don't go at it alone.
If you live close to family DO NOT and I repeat DO NOT try to be wonder woman and do it all. You are just asking for trouble and additional stress if you attempt to go overboard and host every holiday party, cook everything, and do it all. First off, let's be real. You can't do it all, and you will not enjoy anything about one of the most magical times of year if you are go into wonder woman mode. Ask for help. I do not live close to family so I am simplifying this year as much as possible. I need to enjoy these times with my kids because they go too fast.
7. Take care of yourself.
Seriously I mean this. I honestly don't care how you do it but do it. Make sure you can squeeze in a little extra downtime or rest here and there, eat right, and move your body. It makes you feel like a new woman each day and keeps up your strength for the marathon holiday season ahead of you.
And last but not least....
Enjoy this time with your family. If you are like me then you spend most of your holidays caring for other people. I am a nurse currently hoping to transition away from the bedside for the sake of my family, but there are many many times when I was spending the holidays away from my family. So the time I did have needed to be efficient.
Happy holidays from my family to yours.
Cauliflower Crust Pizza
I had always wanted to try this and FINALLY I DID! And now I wonder why I waited so long.
I do want to give credit where credit is due so I started with this basic recipe I found on Pinterest but added my own amount of seasonings.
Follow the basic instructions for the cauliflower however I also cheated and bought my cauliflower already "riced" from Target in their produce section. Sometimes I do opt for the easier alternative route when it comes to saving time as a busy mom.
So I seasoned my crust with the following:
1 tsp salt
1tsp pepper
1 tsp minced garlic
1 tsp Italian seasoning
1 tsp oregano
1/2 tsp sweet basil
I used 1/2 cup mozzarella cheese and 1/2 cup grated parmesan cheese also
I do want to emphasize that the drying process is IMPORTANT!! Please take your time as the crust will crumble otherwise.
Toppings for this pizza included what I had on hand already: I used a 1/4 spaghetti sauce because I did not want it to be dry and spread it all over, and topped with additional cheese, spinach, tomatoes, and red onion. I baked at 450 for 8 minutes until the cheese was bubbling and served. I also used a pizza stone and I do believe that it helped with the crust.
This was super easy and really tasty. It will definitely become a staple for me from now on.
Wednesday, November 11, 2015
Shakeology Cleanse- Yes or No? Here's the verdict!
So I had fallen off the wagon like...for real. It was bad. It was ugly. And I had to finally admit this when I realized I couldn't button up a pair of pants. Now I am going to be super honest... I am no where near close to my goals but this cleanse was seriously for real and very difficult. I was not perfect but it was just what I needed to get myself back on track again.
I am not a super big fan of showing pictures of myself but this was necessary for me to get for real about what I needed to do. I cannot even believe I lost that many inches but also realized that my serious lack of consistency in my eating was causing obvious issues for me.
If you are interested in learning more about this cleanse I am sure I will be doing it again as I actually like it better than the 3 Day refresh. No fiber sweep in this one but it is not for the faint of heart. It ain't easy but its very much worth it.
It is not a lot of food so light workouts are a must but like I said... Serious results! This will from now my my go to jumpstart to get things going again.
If you are interested in possibly trying a shakeology cleanse contact me to find out how today!
Healthy Chicken Noodle Soup
Aside from the noodles this is a fairly healthy version of an all time favorite comfort food. Now I did make this on a cold day in the crockpot, and on a day when I also made some homemade bread so this was a sort of cheat/comfort meal but a lot healthier for me than other options or ordering pizza for instance.
1lb fresh chicken breast
salt/peper to taste
1 small bag frozen carrots
3 stalks of celery chopped
1 small sweet onion chopped
64 oz chicken broth
3 bay leaves
Noodles ( I will leave it up to you what kind of noodles you like)
2-3 cloves minced garlic
2 Tablespoos olive oil
Cooking Directions:
-Precook chicken breasts slightly, does not have to be cooked all the way through but season with salt and pepper and add about a 1/2 cup of water and a dash of olive oil to chicken to flavor it well. Set aside
- In your crockpot, dump your entire skillet of chicken and contents into the crockpot first, place in the celery, carrots, onion, and bay leaves.
-Dump garlic in
-Pour chicken broth in and season with light salt and peper. Turn on high and let cook for about 3 hours
- Pull chicken out (be careful not to burn yourself) and pull it apart or dice it up, and dump back in.
-In a pot of boiling water, slightly cook your noodles. Do not cook them all the way maybe about 3/4 of the way and then pour them in the crock pot also.
-Cook for an additional 1-1.5 hours and add additional salt & pepper to taste
-Remove bay leaves and serve warm, maybe even with some fresh bread if its a cheat meal day for you!
Enjoy a healthier spin on a cheat meal!!
Friday, October 30, 2015
Homemade No Bake Shakeology Granola Bars
I came across a granola recipe online and thought I had to be able to make that even better! And guess what..... I did. And I made it healthier as well. I used the base recipe and added my own concoction of ingredients and superfoods, and even my husband was devouring it!
2 cups quick oats
1 cup whole cashews unsalted
1/2 cup dry quinoa
1 scoop chocolcate shakeology
1/4 cup raw honey
1/2 Tablespoon peanut butter
4 tablespoons coconut oil
1 tsp vanilla extract
1/2 cup light brown sugar
1/2 cup dark choloclate chips
In a food processer, combine cashews and quinoa and chop. There is no perfect level of chopping just make them smaller. Set aside for later.
In a pan on low heat, combine honey, coconut oil, brown sugar, peanut butter and vanilla extract and heat until it makes a thick liquid. This process only takes a few minutes.
Once you have achieved this step then toss in your other dry ingredients (BUT NOT THE CHOCOLATE CHIPS!!!! They will melt!!! ) Stir and mix everything together.
In a wax paper lined pan (grease the wax paper some so it does not stick to you granoloa bars) spread the mixture and even it out with a spatula. Top with your chocolate chips and place in the fridge for a couple hours...voila! DONE! And let me tell you it tastes rather yummy!
If you are not using a scoop of chocolate shakeology you could add a tablspoon of PB2 to have peanut butter flavored granola!!!
Total time: about 20 minutes and I have several days worth of a quick & healthy snack that also tastes amazing!
Friday, October 23, 2015
Italian Spaghetti Squash
So I finally got brave and tackled my first meal using spaghetti squash!
I think it was hit as evidenced by the fact that there were absolutely no left overs.
So here is what I did, now mind you I have never cooked it before so I had to look that part up. So I preheated my oven to 375, placed my squash on a pan after I pierced it a couple times on each side. I worried about it cooking all the way through. And I cooked it for about 60 minutes.
It was really tender afterwards, and then I sliced it open and scooped out the seeds and scooped out the inside goodies!
I was a littler unsure of what to mix it with but I did have lots of veggies on hand again.
I used fresh baby portebella mushrooms cleaned and sliced, frozen red & green bell peppers with onions, and generously seasoned with garlic, pepper, italian herbs, oregano, and a little salt.
Voila! Healthy "pasta"! I have lots left over and I am really looking forward to experimenting some more. I am always looking for new things to try so if you have any suggestions please feel free to let me know in the comments below.
Until next time.....
Saturday, October 17, 2015
Recipe: Crockpot Chicken Tacos
What happens when you are trying to revamp your typical taco night at home? You try something new, keep your fingers crossed that it will taste good, and also hope that it reheats well because you just know that there will be leftovers.
So that was my day yesterday.... hence the crockpot chicken tacos, and they were to say the least pretty yummy and it reheats well so that is a win win for me and my family with our busy schedules!
So again, I used ingredients I already had on hand and I am sure this can be tweaked according to your likes and dislikes.
1 can black beans
1 cup frozen corn
1 small onion
1 lb of chicken
1 1/2 packets of taco seasoning of your choice, in our house we use McCormick (and I have not yet experimented with making my own but thats on my list of to so stuff)
1 8oz can of Rotel tomatoes
Cooking Instructions: ( And here is the best part as this is a fabulous crockpot recipe)
Dice onion, drain and rinse black beans and tomatoes ( I do this to get rid of the "canned" taste), throw everything in the crockpot, and let it go!
Now I like to really slow cook any chicken I make in the crockpot so I cook on low for 4-6 hours and this also allows me flexibility to walk away from it for a while as well. On this day I started this in the afternoon so I cooked on high for about 4 hours and shredded the chicken afterwards.
This is how I chose to serve the taco chicken. I did portion out the chicken in a red container to continue following the 21 Day fix meal plan. I sliced avocado and placed it in a quartered piece of a flour tortilla since that's what I had available.
I did reheat it the next day, and it tasted just as yummy as it did fresh on day one!! Since we have all seem to have chaotic schedules I am all for convenience foods and things you can eat more than one day and/or freeze for later.
Hope you enjoy!!
Friday, October 16, 2015
Italian Night 21 Day Fix Style
So my husband grew up with a lovely Italian family and every now and then we need to have us a yummy Italian meal.
Now this day in particular was all about time effiency and simplicity and also sticking to my meal plan while still enjoting my meal.
So I had purchased some eggplant from a local farm while pumpkin picking and some other veggies that needed to be cooked before they went bad. Now considering I am officially down one income at the moment, wasting isn't really an option at this point in time.
So I got creative...but I cannot lie this was AMAZING!!! Even my husband was head over heals for this delicious veggie Italian meal. And really you can use any veggies but this is what I had on hand.
one eggplant
one red bell pepper
one half red onion
one tomato
shredded parmesan cheese
balsalmic vinegar
crushed red pepper
Extra virgin olive oil
1. Clean all veggies and slice them up while preheating your oven to 400
2. Lay out your sliced egg plant on your pan, and drizzle olive oil over them
3. sprinkle a light layer of parmesan cheese over eggplant.
4. lay tomato slices on top of eggplant
5. lay all other veggies on the tray
6. Season generously with all of the above seasonings, lightly drizzle the balsalmic vinegar over since it has such a powerful flavor
7. lightly sprinkle parmesan cheese over entire pan
8. Cook in oven for approx 20 minutes or until eggplant and veggies are tender
9. Let cool slightly
10. Serve with chicken or whole wheat pasta for a full on Italin feast 21 Day Fix style
Seriously, delicious and amazingly fresh and healthy.
This was incredibly budget friendly and something I will be making again in the future.
Monday, October 12, 2015
I don't know about you but...Inside the mind of someone with a case of the constant worries
I don't know about you but some days it's a struggle to see the light at the end of a dark tunnel.
I don't know about you but some days it's hard to give anymore.
I don't know about you but some days I just want to cry even though no tears will come out.
I don't know about you but sometimes my brain is buzzing with so many different thoughts, ideas, hopes, doubts, and fears that it causes my body to start shaking.
I don't know about you but there are times when I need to scream at the top of my lungs but I am scare no one will listen to me.
I don't know about you but I often wonder why there is so much hate in the world.
I don't know about you but I wish I could make everyone I knew care about other people.
I don't know about you but I worry about I worry every single waking moment about my children and their happiness.
I don't know about you but I worry about watching my loved ones grow old and face the unknown.
I don't know about you but I worry all day every day about things I simply cannot control.
I don't know about you but I often wonder how much more I have to give most days.
I don't know about you but I am scared about the future my children will have.
I don't know about you but my heart hurts when I have to pay bills each month for an education that I finished almost a decade ago, that will still be there another decade from now.
You see, I don't know about you, but I worry every single day.
Some things are out of my control.
I don't know some days how to control the overwhelming emotions I experience almost on a daily basis.
I don't know about you but some days I am so overwhelmed I cannot concentrate or focus.
I don't know about you but this is only a small part of what goes through my mind on a daily basis.
I know that one day I want to worry less.
I don't know about you but one day I will.
I don't know about you but some days it's hard to give anymore.
I don't know about you but some days I just want to cry even though no tears will come out.
I don't know about you but sometimes my brain is buzzing with so many different thoughts, ideas, hopes, doubts, and fears that it causes my body to start shaking.
I don't know about you but there are times when I need to scream at the top of my lungs but I am scare no one will listen to me.
I don't know about you but I often wonder why there is so much hate in the world.
I don't know about you but I wish I could make everyone I knew care about other people.
I don't know about you but I worry about I worry every single waking moment about my children and their happiness.
I don't know about you but I worry about watching my loved ones grow old and face the unknown.
I don't know about you but I worry all day every day about things I simply cannot control.
I don't know about you but I often wonder how much more I have to give most days.
I don't know about you but I am scared about the future my children will have.
I don't know about you but my heart hurts when I have to pay bills each month for an education that I finished almost a decade ago, that will still be there another decade from now.
You see, I don't know about you, but I worry every single day.
Some things are out of my control.
I don't know some days how to control the overwhelming emotions I experience almost on a daily basis.
I don't know about you but some days I am so overwhelmed I cannot concentrate or focus.
I don't know about you but this is only a small part of what goes through my mind on a daily basis.
I know that one day I want to worry less.
I don't know about you but one day I will.
Thursday, October 1, 2015
Recipe: Egg Cups for a Quick & Easy Meal
Egg Cups
So one thing about me:
I love how versatile they are, I love the nutritional value they provide, and they are inexpensive.
Now bear in mind I live in a high cost of living area so if I list any prices for anything mine are most likely much higher than yours.
I used 11 eggs (what I had left in my fridge)
Frozen bag of kale that I thawed and mixed in.
Diced up green and red pepper, red onion, and some tomatoes.
All ingredients I had on hand!
Threw it in the bowl, and seasoned with some garlic salt and pepper.
Preheat your oven to 375 and cook for about 35-40 min in a muffin pan. You canine your pan with wrappers as I did here or coat the pan itself with oil. I use olive oil otherwise.
Super easy, inexpensive and now I have a quick on the go meal packed full of protein and veggies.
I was able to get 15 egg cups in about 10 minutes worth of work.
Update on my coaching Journey & What it Means to Me
This is exciting for me to announce! In a short time, I reached my first goal of becoming an Emerald Coach! And let me tell you why this is so important to me...
I struggle with depression and anxiety. ...
And more recently it's gotten worse to the point I'm having panic attacks. My body reacts so violently I'm hovered over a toilet barfing, shaking uncontrollably and chest pains. I am a nurse and I knew what was happening but I couldn't control it.
A few months ago, life took some unexpected turns and I quickly found myself spiraling out of control. I wasn't performing well at work, constantly angry and resentful all the time, my kids had an exhausted mom that couldn't focus, and my physical health was also paying the price. I wasn't eating well... I would binge by myself to feel better but then only felt worse after and day after day I was losing more control over my life.
I had ZERO goals
I had ZERO dreams anymore
I felt as if I had ZERO purpose
I felt as if I was living my life for everyone else around me
I am buried under massive student loan debt
I have ZERO ambition as a nurse to go back to school again so I was stuck professionally
I had ZERO fulfillment in what I was doing everyday
My kids had a very distracted mom
My husband merely had a roommate
I couldn't even look at the mirror anymore because I hated the reflection
So I made a change....
I became part of a family.
A family that forced to me to dig deep and rediscover a passion for life that I forgot even existed. I became a part of a family that helped me to realize that I hadn't completely lost control of life but merely stepped off my path. This family has helped me to realize that I am truly capable of dreaming big and achieving big. This family gave me the courage to face some of my biggest fears and overcome some big hurdles. This family gave me.... Hope. Hope that I can take back control of my life and no longer believe I have to settle.
What is this family? It's my Beachbody family.
An amazing group of women and men dedicated to not just helping people shed the extra pounds but truly discovering themselves and helping people realize just how strong they can be.
And even though it's only been a few months being a part of this family, I have changed. A lot.
I laugh more often. I smile more. I am more confident. I am happier with my family. I am proud of myself. I have goals. I am dreaming again. My husband has his wife back, and my children have a more engaged mom. I feel fulfilled and excited about the future again. I feel like I am serving a greater purpose in life now.
And it is amazing.
I truly feel it has saved my life.
I am getting healthier. On the inside and the outside. And NO pill, special diet, magic potion or voodoo has done it.
I did it. With my own hard work and the support of this amazing team.
And this my friends is why I am proud to say, I AM a Beachbody coach!!
Because I am getting control over my life again.
One day at a time.
And this is only the beginning.
This coach is dreaming big and aiming high.
Recipe: Southwestern Turkey Stuffed Peppers
Southwestern Turkey Stuffed Peppers
Southwestern Turkey Stuffed Peppers
So easy, so yummy, reheats easily and freezes well!
1 lb lean ground turkey
4-5 Bell peppers cleaned, with the top cut off
1 Can low sodium black beans, drained & rinsed
1/4 diced red onion
1 cup diced cherry tomatoes
Cayenne Pepper
Dried cilantro
Olive oil (1 tablespoon)
Salt (a pinch of it)
Garlic ( maybe a half tablespoon)
Cook turkey on medium until all pink is gone, add in all ingredients, and let simmer so flavor sets in well! Make sure that oven has been preheated to 375. Once all your ingredients have simmered together for about 5-10 minutes, stuff your peppers, place in the oven for about 35-40 minutes and voila! Dinner is served! You can top with a bit of cheese if want but make it a nice light cheese!
I am all about convenience foods so this is a staple for me at least once a month when I do my own meal prep at home because it is simple. It also reheats well! And freezes well!!!
Sunday, September 13, 2015
Clean Eating and "That Drink": Why I now have a lifelong relationship with both
People hear terms like "clean eating" & "meal replacement" shakes all the time but what does that mean? I mean I remember when clean eating was not even really talked about, and drinking shakes meant drinking a can of a nasty formula of something that had no dietary benefit to you whatsoever.
Today it has a very different meaning to me.... and here's why.
As mentioned in previous posts, I have ALWAYS (you read that right ALWAYS) struggled with my weight, and I still do. One other thing that I have ALWAYS struggled with is my skin. Once puberty set in, my body and my skin betrayed me in ways I never thought possible. Add in 20 years of hormonal chaos, nursing school, two pregnancies, two kids, a hectic schedule, and well just life and my body has pretty much been out of whack for like ever. And one place that shows most is my SKIN!
My skin would get so bad that I would avoid going out in public, a kiss from my husband, or would sit and just plain cry sometimes. I did endless hours of research, spent hundreds of dollars on lotions and creams that would work "in just a couple weeks time" and countless visits to dermatologists begging them to just fix me so I could walk around in public and not feel ashamed of how I looked. I won't lie I was not always consistent in my efforts because like many other things in life including my eating, if I did not see results right away I just quit and moved on to the next latest and greatest gimmick.
As a nurse I know the vital role that nutrition plays in our overall well being and in our overall health. I remember watching a documentary called "Fat, Sick and Nearly Dead" at the encouragement of a coworker of mine. I watched it and was just astonished at the transformation this man went through both physically and mentally. And if you haven't seen it, I highly recommend it. It gives a unique perspective into the life of a juicer. Now I can't say that I would ever try a juice fast because I do enjoy eating but if that's something that appeals to you then by all means you go on with your bad self and have at it! I just can't. But to see how this man's body changed just from truly nourishing his body was nothing short of amazing. I see the same thing with my patients. I see the smoker, the drinker, the "I don't care what happens to me" person", the "I just had a heart attack at 40 but I'd like to order a side of bacon with my bacon" person, the "Well my uncle died at 90 and smoked like a mad man and drank himself into an oblvion each night" (I tell them that usually luck was on that person's side), the "I'll do it next week" person (I am admittedly a recovering "I'll do it next week person"), the "fitness is not for me" person (to which I promptly reply "Can you walk? Well yes I can. Then you can move for 20 minutes 3 times per week), and so on and so on.... you get the idea right? Point being is that we CANNOT control our own fate, or genetics or the drunk driver that rams into us, but we can do everything possible to take care of our own body, treat it like the temple it is, and set ourselves up for as much success as possible.
So I made a choice one day. I was sick and tired of feeling sick and tired to put it simply. I could not stand looking at myself in the mirror, I hated how I felt, and my skin was just repulsive. I remembered hearing a friend talk about how awesome this shake was...and then I tried it. I was taken back by the cost initially but also felt as though I had nothing else to lose at that point.
The first month I drank my shakeology (chocolate of course) I was not sure if I was supposed to be feeling the way I was. I was literally running to the bathroom more than once a day, and then I began researching reviews on the product thinking I had to be having a horrible reaction to it. I read that many other people had having the same "GI distress" symptoms but I decided to stick with it. After that first bag, I began to notice some big changes.
1. My skin
Things really started to change. The texture of my skin, the oiliness, and the giant cystic type breakouts seemed to be a lot less. YES!!!!! Could it be??? I noticed even more changes in my skin once my diet changed as well. Clean eating made a huge difference as well. I really began to believe that whole concept of "you are what you eat". And now I firmly believe that what goes in better is reflected on how my body looks on the outside, including my skin. My new way of eating also does not include much dairy either, and this is a girl who LOVES her cheeses! But I notice a difference in how my skin looks afterwards. So now I still have a skin care regimen that includes my hypoallergenic skin cleansers and lotions (because my skin is uber sensitive) but I RARELY have to put zit cream on my face now! I MEAN SERIOUSLY HOW FREAKING AWESOME IS THAT? This coming from a girl who has spent a small fortune on skin care products, I rarely reach for my expensive lotions and potions now! Seriously I am sold! My confidence is improved and I finally walk out of my house and just be, and not worry that people are focused on the latest and greatest monster zit that has attacked me the day prior.
2. My gut
So before drinking Shakeology and clean eating, I looked like I was walking around 5 months preggo. And considering that I am definitely NOT preggo, I certainly do not want to look it! Now aside from the initial "cleanse phase" during my first month of drinking Shakeology, it now leaves me feeling less bloated, keeps me regular, and I don't have my normal stomach discomfort during the day. My body is flooded daily with probiotics and dense superfood nutrition and it likes it. I did not drink it for a couple days and noticed a huge difference in how my stomach felt. Even on a cheat day, after one meal my gut is NOT happy now. I remember during my second round of the 21 Day Fix, I had a glutinous day where I indulged in my favorites. I woke up in the middle of the night sick to my stomach and became best friends with my toilet. EPIC FAIL! And as I sit here writing this, I am paying for my misdeeds over the weekend. My stomach hurts and I once again look a little preggo. But a solid day of clean eating, my dear friend chocolate shakeo, a workout, water, and I'll be good to go. And once again lesson learned.
3. My Overall Feeling of Awesomeness
Yes I that's right I said "feeling of awesomeness." To reiterate, 'You are what you eat' well that is some TRUTH! When I eat like crap I feel like crap, when I eat awesome I feel awesome. Even one "cheat meal" makes me feel bloated, gives me massive GI upset & heartburn, and makes me fell so sluggish I could fall over. There is a lot more pep in my step, and voom in my va va voom. I feel as though I can conquer the world, my brain synapses fire at faster speeds which means I am more creative, more focused, and driven to work towards my goals. I am also a better mother and wife when I feel awesome. So pretty much, I choose to eat well for my life and my family's life.
So ok before you go lookin at the price of clean eating and Shakeo, know that an investment in your health is worth it. Clean eating can be accomplished on a budget and add in your Shakeo and you are set!!! I tell people that its like drinking a mega multivitamin that provides EVERYTHING you need and just so happens to taste like dessert as well! It's a win-win situation!
So what is Shakeology?
It's simple.
It's life changing.
Sunday, August 30, 2015
Things I have learned from my dying patients
Things I have learned from my dying patients...
I have been a nurse for 9 years now, and all 9 of those years have been in the critical care setting. More recently, my job has allowed me the great honor of taking care of more patients at the end of their life. I say this is a great honor, because I have learn to appreciate the beauty that can exist in a peaceful and dignified death. For at the end, the individual loses their control and it is then up to me to provide the most seamless of transitions as possible. Over the years, I have learned to really appreciate the conversations I have witheach one of my patients. They are vast wealths of knowledge and wisdom and often times provide the most thought provoking insight into life's biggest questions. I have the unique privilege to have to the opportunity to learn from them. They teach me something new every single day. You may wonder why a post like this is appearing in a "health and wellness" type blog, but on my own journey to be the best I can be, I am also doing a lot of soul searching. I am not only working to improve on the outisde but on the inside as well. These life lessons I have learned from those at the end of their lives, are things I will carry with me and hopefully be able to teach my own children.
1. Spend time with your kids.
"The art of mothering is to teach the art of living to children" – Elaine Heffner
This I am realizing more and more as I see how quickly my kids are growing. I can see the look in an older woman's eyes as she longs for the days of when her children were young again, and she wasn't facing the end of her own life. It saddens me to know that she longs for the days, but warms my heart to know that she looks back on her childrens' time growing up so fondly, and has memories to last her a lifetime. As a mom, it is important for me to show my children how to live. I don't want them to grow up not knowing how important it is to create memories with your family. The take home message to is cherish the time with you children. Put your phone away, turn the TV off, and spend those precious moments with them.
2. Commit to your marriage.
Falling in love was simple; one had only to yield. Digesting another person, however, and sustaining love, was bloody work, and not a soft job.”
― Hanif Kureishi
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One patient, mentioned to me one day that "people nowadays give up too easily." I sadly agreed with her, and lamented that the generation ahead of me will probably be one of the last to see marriages celebrate 50th & 60th wedding anniversaries.
3. Find humor in life.
"I love people who make me laugh. I honestly think it's the thing I like most, to laugh. It cures a multitude of ills. It's probably the most important thing in a person.”
― Audrey Hepburn
If you can't laugh about life, life is going to be pretty boring. I have been told that more than once, and have been advised by many that maintaining a sense of humor is key to staying happy; even during the darkest of times. I have witnessed patients dealing facing incredible odds but they still manage to crack a joke here and there.
Even on some of their worst days, my patients are able to make jokes and find humor in small things. It really puts life into perspective. Here I am sitting next to this person, who's future is grim and life is short, and they are making me laugh. I really realize on these days that even though I may have my own problems in life (we all do of course), that if I can't laugh about things, life is not fun anymore.
4. Things don't matter as much as time spent with people and relationships do.
“To be content with little is difficult; to be content with much, impossible.”
― Marie von Ebner-Eschenbach
Possessions provide you nothing when need someone to hold your hand, provide a shoulder for support or an ear to listen. The new TV or ipad you just purchased cannot give you a hug, hold your hand during another test, or sit next to you and help you understand what the doctor just told you. Sure, things are nice. I like things just as much as the next person, but my things won't be there for me 20 years down the road and I certainly cannot take them with when it's my time to leave this earth. I have had conversations with people who lived during times when earnings were meager, and they were just barely getting by. But they look upon those times fondly, and often times proclaim those years to be some of the best of their lives. They may not have had much but they spent the time with their familes and made the memories.
5. Be compassionate.
"Be kind, for everyone you meet is fighting a harder battle.”
― Plato
Even if the person I am caring for at the end of their life was not the best person during their time, in my eyes they deserve compassion. This is not a lesson that I have learned through conversations but through interactions with my patients over the years. It is not my place to judge them for their past misdeeds in life, but to be there to support them during the most trying and frightening time in their life. I will often ask the question,"Is there anyone we can for you?" When they reply, "No" my heart aches for them. I don't know what happened to them in their journey but I know I can make an impact on their life in whatever time he or she may have left.
In short; be kind to others, love often, laugh often, and enjoy your time spent with those around you and make memories.
These individuals I have encountered have been my greatest teachers on appreciating life, and letting the little things go. I have learned to enjoy spontaneous moments, and sometimes just let it be. I have learned that dishes can wait when my kids just want to play or cuddle.
Skinny Pasta
Getting creative on my 21 Day Fix. I had a lot of whole wheat pasta on hand and spinach that was going to go bad so... Skinny Pasta~
- Whole wheat pasta cooked (If following 21 Day Fix eating plan use one or two yellow containers of cooked pasta)
- Rainbow veggies (yellow, red & orange bell peppers, spinach, tomatoes, use 2 green containers for this)
- Garlic (fresh or garlic powder), pinch of salt, italian herbs, oregano, crushed red pepper if you like a little extra kick,
- 1 tablespoon of extra virin olive oil
- Precooked turkey meatballs thawed( I am all about the convenience factor here!)
-Prepare pasta according to box directions
-Dice all veggies, gather spinach and portion out veggies using green container
-Slice meatballs (you don't have to but it makes it seem like there is more meat)
-Place all ingredients in a skillet
-Add seasonings ( I use generous amounts of all because I enjoy bold flavors on my food)
-Add olive oil
-Simmer on medium heat until spinach is wilted some and veggies are slightly tender and meatballs
are heated appropriately
Total containers used: 2 yellow, 2 green, 1 red
How I am hoping my new adventure helps women gain confidence
It is NO secret that women in today's society are bombarded daily with images of unrealistic and unattainable beauty and physical standards. Photo shop has become a woman's worst nightmare, and can make a perfectly healthy, beautiful woman feel like the least desirable and least attractive woman on the face of the earth.
If you ask a woman what she would change about herself, most would probaby say they would change their body in some way so that they were beautiful. But how is beauty defined? It is a debated topic around the world, as different cultures have differing standards of beauty. And what one may consider beautiful and/or perfect in one culture may be deemed unattractive or negative in another.
The age old saying, beauty is in the eye of the true. However, how do we help change cultural perspective of beauty? How do we get our women to realize just how beautiful and amazing they truly are? The answer is not a simple one because I would have to state that it starts at home with how we teach our daughters at a young age, how the media portrays women, and how our sons are taught to view and interact with women. Disagree with me if you like, but that is just my opinion.
So where does my new adventure come into play you may ask?
Let me back track a little to tell you why this is important to me first....
Growing up I was never the skinny pretty girl. I was teased and mocked to a certain degree, never had the boyfriends or dates, and never felt beautiful. It's an all too familiar story that many women can probably relate to. I was told "you carrry your weight well"," you are cute"," you are good at sports", "you look better with makeup", and my personal favorite was when "meghan cantrell (my maiden name) is a lesbian was carved into a wooden desk at school (elementary school by the way). So my sexual orientation was even attacked at a very young age, and I didn't even really know what that meant for a while. So you see how over time, my perception of beauty has been skewed by some very unpleasant experiences. And I still struggle with it even to this day.
But one thing has changed.
My confidence.
It has not always been good, and honestly I struggle big time. Every single day. But one day a friend of mine asked me to do a Spartan Race with her, and I did. And I finished it with not nearly enough preparation, and I struggled through it but I finished. And the moment I finished, was the moment I realized that no matter how hard something is (and those are wicked hard), I am strong enough mentally and physically to endure and finish.
And then on top of that, I found a new group of women all with similar struggles, similar family lives, busy schedules, all hoping to make a difference.
Voila! Things changed. Big time. It was magical. It was like an aha moment of mammoth proportions. And oh my lord I had to hit the ground running. Never I have ever been so motivated or inspired.
It was time to do something with this.
A new passion was discovered, and it was in the realization that I could maybe, just maybe do something with this. This could be my opportunity change women's lives in such a positive way and help alter their own skewed perceptions of beauty. I could empower women to gain self confidence in a way they have never experienced. I could work to help other mom's get through even their worst days. I could really help other moms communicate with their own daughters differently all because they have a renewed sense of self worth, thus empowering a whole other generation of future ass kicking women!
And guess what.... that is a big damn deal.
There are campaigns with major companies such as Dove and Always working to empower young girls and women, so I guess I think of this as more of a grassroots type movement so to speak, but if by some chance, I was able to make a difference on this level.....I just can't even. I mean really, I can't even imagine.
Now I know I am thinking big here but seriously think of the possibilities! Think of how many women's lives we could change EVERY SINGLE DAY! By motivating them, inspiring them, appreciating them exactly for who they are! That is an awe inpsiring thought that by working with women to help them gain confidence & get healthier, they could walk around feeling proud, confident, and beautiful. That thought alone makes this adventure completely worth it. Every doubt I have, every fear I have, and every skeptical comment I receive makes me push harder just so I could do this.
It's pretty overwhelming to think of the bigger implications this could have but seriously, how cool is that?
Pretty cool.
Saturday, August 29, 2015
Real Life- My First Few Weeks as a Beachbody Coach
"Is this like one of those pyramid schemes", my husband asks me the first night I am finally brave enough to tell him what I have been up to.
"No I assure you it's not. But it could be a way for me to help our family more. Maybe it could be. I have no idea how this is going to go, but I am going to give it a try." My voice was nearly shaking trying to tell him I was venturing out into something different. He knew my new found love of the beachbody family was strong, but I don't think he expected me to do anything with it. And honestly I haven't really done much aside from A LOT of learning, A LOT of asking my coach questions, and A LOT of personal dvelopment. "Ya know," I tell him, "You could at least like my new facebook page and show your support for me."
"I don't really like sharing stuff like that because it gets annoying to people."
Fair enough.
So at that particular moment, my head was spinning and I was thinking, "OH SWEET LORD! He's right! I am bugging the crap out of people with my facebook/instagramming/twitter posts! Crap! Crap!" And let my embarrassment/fear/skepticism/doubt kick into overdrive. I kept thinking about how nervous I was to begin with and this conversation certainly did not help.
Now what?
Should I just give up? Just let it go? My inner dialogue was intense, and so conflicting. Should I, shouldn't I? What if I just make people angry or annoyed with me? Well so what if I do, I'm trying to help people and there ain't nothing wrong with that. I am promoting a healthy lifestyle, and lord knows my chosen profession as shown there ain't nothing wrong with a healthy lifestyle! So why am I having such a difficult time with this?
Well, I decided that I was not going to let that moment keep me from at least trying. So I pushed past my doubt and fear and kept on posting and connecting with people in my life. And that part continues to feel amazing.
And then I noticed that even though I had not really accomplished anything as a beachbody coach, something was happening. People were starting to already make small little changes, and get excited about getting healthier. And they wanted my advice, and my help! And I knew that my desire to be a coach to begin with was more than potentially helping my family financially but I am actually making a difference in people's lives, already. Just by communicating with them and letting them know that someone really does care about their wellbeing.
I could not help but walk around all day smiling. Grinning ear to ear, I walked around knowing that I am putting a serious passion for helping people into good use and in a different way than I am used to. Often times, as a critical care nurse, I am meeting people for the first time when I have to help sedate them for a breathing tube, prepare them for end of life, or explain to a family that their loved one may never wake up again. And while I take great pride in my job as a nurse, I have always taken pride in being able to help people in their day to day lives as well. I want to make a difference, and I think this world is a better place when people are overall happier and working towards improving themselves.
And as I stated I LOVE BEING A NURSE, but I have always wanted an opportunity to help in a bigger and better way! So no matter where this new adventure takes me I will always and forever be a nurse at heart, and my compassion and desire to do good in this world is strong, so now its time to do bigger things in order to accomplish bigger goals.
I will be honest, I have not made one cent from my short time as a Beachbody coach and thats ok. And that's the truth! Seriously, nada! I am new to learning how to run a business, and as with anything I suspect time is my greatest ally. I can, however, lay my head on my pillow tonight knowing I am one step closer to achieving my dream of making this world a better place, one person at a time.
So for now, I will put my fears aside and continue to set goals to help as many people as I can. I am scared, and certainly have my doubts but I am pushing beyond those fears and doubts, DREAMING BIG and being proud of my decision to join the Beachbody Family!
If you want to join my team and DREAM BIG with me contact me for more information to get started!
"No I assure you it's not. But it could be a way for me to help our family more. Maybe it could be. I have no idea how this is going to go, but I am going to give it a try." My voice was nearly shaking trying to tell him I was venturing out into something different. He knew my new found love of the beachbody family was strong, but I don't think he expected me to do anything with it. And honestly I haven't really done much aside from A LOT of learning, A LOT of asking my coach questions, and A LOT of personal dvelopment. "Ya know," I tell him, "You could at least like my new facebook page and show your support for me."
"I don't really like sharing stuff like that because it gets annoying to people."
Fair enough.
So at that particular moment, my head was spinning and I was thinking, "OH SWEET LORD! He's right! I am bugging the crap out of people with my facebook/instagramming/twitter posts! Crap! Crap!" And let my embarrassment/fear/skepticism/doubt kick into overdrive. I kept thinking about how nervous I was to begin with and this conversation certainly did not help.
Now what?
Should I just give up? Just let it go? My inner dialogue was intense, and so conflicting. Should I, shouldn't I? What if I just make people angry or annoyed with me? Well so what if I do, I'm trying to help people and there ain't nothing wrong with that. I am promoting a healthy lifestyle, and lord knows my chosen profession as shown there ain't nothing wrong with a healthy lifestyle! So why am I having such a difficult time with this?
Well, I decided that I was not going to let that moment keep me from at least trying. So I pushed past my doubt and fear and kept on posting and connecting with people in my life. And that part continues to feel amazing.
And then I noticed that even though I had not really accomplished anything as a beachbody coach, something was happening. People were starting to already make small little changes, and get excited about getting healthier. And they wanted my advice, and my help! And I knew that my desire to be a coach to begin with was more than potentially helping my family financially but I am actually making a difference in people's lives, already. Just by communicating with them and letting them know that someone really does care about their wellbeing.
I could not help but walk around all day smiling. Grinning ear to ear, I walked around knowing that I am putting a serious passion for helping people into good use and in a different way than I am used to. Often times, as a critical care nurse, I am meeting people for the first time when I have to help sedate them for a breathing tube, prepare them for end of life, or explain to a family that their loved one may never wake up again. And while I take great pride in my job as a nurse, I have always taken pride in being able to help people in their day to day lives as well. I want to make a difference, and I think this world is a better place when people are overall happier and working towards improving themselves.
And as I stated I LOVE BEING A NURSE, but I have always wanted an opportunity to help in a bigger and better way! So no matter where this new adventure takes me I will always and forever be a nurse at heart, and my compassion and desire to do good in this world is strong, so now its time to do bigger things in order to accomplish bigger goals.
I will be honest, I have not made one cent from my short time as a Beachbody coach and thats ok. And that's the truth! Seriously, nada! I am new to learning how to run a business, and as with anything I suspect time is my greatest ally. I can, however, lay my head on my pillow tonight knowing I am one step closer to achieving my dream of making this world a better place, one person at a time.
So for now, I will put my fears aside and continue to set goals to help as many people as I can. I am scared, and certainly have my doubts but I am pushing beyond those fears and doubts, DREAMING BIG and being proud of my decision to join the Beachbody Family!
If you want to join my team and DREAM BIG with me contact me for more information to get started!
Thursday, August 27, 2015
Choosing to make myself a priority
It is not easy for a mom to say, " I need time alone."
It is not easy for me to admit that AT ALL.
Setting aside time while we are all running around super busy and multitasking away, we often times get caught up and forget to set aside some time to reconnect with the one person we know we can truly count on...our self.
There is no one else that is going to get you through this life, make a difference, or work to make sure you are taken care of. It is all up to the individual. When we spend too much time focusing on everything else and forget to make ourselves a priority other areas in our life can suffer as well. Our families, jobs, friends, hobbies, our mental and physical well being...all pay the price for our lack of self care over a long period of time.
How do we fix it?
Well it certainly isn't easy but it is certainly necessary. I have found that personally, I function much better for my kids, my husband and my job when I actually set aside some time every day to focus on myself. I am currently doing this in the form of dedicating at least 30 minutes per day to workouts and often times meal prep for myself as well. I am reaping the benefits of my hard work and seeing results that are pushing me further but also helping me to be more focused and more motivated than ever.
My family is also seeing the effects as well. My kids see a mom who is happier and more energetic, my husband sees a wife who has found something that makes her happy and sees more smiles on my face, and my job sees someone who is more motivated and working harder every day.
It is time for you to make yourself a priority. It does a body and a mind good.
Do yourself a favor and set a goal to dedicate some time to yourself each day. Write down how it felt to take that time, and focus on YOU. Try to do this for 21 days and maybe you have established a new routine for yourself that will have a compound effect over time.
Besides, don't you deserve to take care of yourself?
Thursday, August 20, 2015
Thoughtful Thursday Series: Episode 1: Why are moms so mean to one another?
Ok so I know that if you are not a parent this one may be a little difficult for you to relate to but seriously....
Why are moms so mean to one another?
I mean we get judged for every single decision we make by some random woman who thinks she has the right to pass judgment upon us? And why do we allow them to have power over us and make us feel as if we are somehow less that adequate because we parent our children differently?
I was scrolling through my Facebook feed a few weeks back and read an article about the form of "mom shaming". People would take random pictures of someone (most likely a mom who had no idea a photo was being taken of her) and it would then be posted to social media without this person's consent. I mean seriously when did this become ok?? It apparently isn't enough that we are judged for not breastfeeding, failing at childbirth because we had a C-section (and who really fails at childbirth; that crap is hard work), because we choose to co-sleep versus sleep train, opt for extended breastfeeding in a society that has yet to "normalize the boob", feed our kids fast food, or dare to allow them to watch TV...and this list could go on and on and on and on... but now we unwittingly have completely strangers take photos of us to mock us or pass judgment upon us? Look I may not agree with everyone around me, but one thing I know for sure that unless that mom is abusing/neglecting/harming her child in someway, she is most likely struggling everyday to do the best she can to raise a productive and decent member of society.
When did it become our job to make other people feel bad about themselves? This parenting thing is hard enough without others going out of their way to make us feel terrible about decisions that we have most likely already agonized over already. It is not my place to tell a mother she can't nurse her child until he or she self weans, or that one discipline technique is more effective than another. So next time you see a mom with the toddler throwing a tantrum realize that all kids do that...even yours (Yes I said that) and that she is not a failure because she cannot control her child. You may not realize that she is struggling with learning her perfect baby has just been diagnosed as autistic or may have a developmental issue that makes it difficult to control emotions. You may not realize that she has been up all night making sure her other child was breathing all night because they are at home hooked up to a bunch of medical equipment and she is just having a bad day. You may not realize that the mom you just snapped a candid photo of to post on social media with the caption "WTF? Can't this woman get it together?" just spent the last 20 minutes crying in the bathroom because she is overwhelmed or may have just received a phone call that her father is in the hospital with a serious illness.
And it's not only mom shaming for parenting styles, it's now mom shaming because we don't bounce back after baby "like we are supposed to." I mean didn't your weight just melt off while breastfeeding? Mine sure didn't because I was hungrier while breastfeeding than when I was pregnant! And when I say hungry, I mean like can't get satisfied from just one burger kinda hangry. Women shame other women for her stretch marks, baby pooch, and saggy boobs but seriously what does that accomplish? Absolutely nothing positive, and in fact could be causing lifelong psychological damage to a woman who does not cope with life well. So next time you see a brave mom, rockin the two piece at the pool, pay her a compliment or tell her children are beautiful so she doesn't have to walk around worrying that you are the one thinking bad of her.
The moral of the story is: Be kind. Be considerate. Be mindful and aware of your surroundings. Educate yourself to realize the world is much bigger than you and that each person has a unique set of struggles and circumstances that she is dealing with. Be kind. Be compassionate. Instead of having a judgmental thought in your head when you see a mom losing it in the store, offer her support. Ask if you can help with her bags, hold the door for her, pay her a random compliment, say hello or just smile and acknowledge her and in that moment she may not feel alone. Don't be the one who is responsible for making someone else feel bad or guilty... we do that enough on our own.
Do yourself a favor, and get rid of the negative in your life. Unplug from technology (make this part of your daily routine so you are not bombarded with article after article telling you how much you suck at mothering your little ones), unfriend/un-follow a few nasty mean spirited folk, and gather people in your social circle that are just as awesome as you are and revel in the fact that you are doing the best damn job you can raising your kids.
Until next week....
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